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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1994
PreviewTitleAuthor(s)TypeSubjectsIssue Date
Improving risk prediction after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: A comparison of machine learning with traditional methods.Zaka, A.; Mutahar, D.; Mustafiz, C.; Sinhal, S.; Gorcilov, J.; Evans, S.; Kovoor, Joshua; Bacchi, S.ConferenceCARDIOLOGY; LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS2024 
Artificial intelligence for the prediction of all-cause mortality and readmission in heart failure: A meta-analysis of 558,233 patients.Zaka, A.; Mutahar, D.; Mustafiz, C.; Gorcilov, J.; Abtahi, J.; Kamalanathan, H.; Kovoor, Joshua; Bacchi, S.ConferenceCARDIOLOGY; ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE2024 
Regional Training.pdf.jpgRegional training program for ANZCA – The Victorian experience.Henderson, GregConferenceANAESTHESIA; EDUCATION AND TRAINING2024 
CARE project presentation slides.pdf.jpgDeveloping a clinical composite score for mNSCLC and co-design solutions to bridge the metropolitan vs regional gap.Faisal, Wasek; Stout, Dan; Pitman, Ethan; Tuohill, Michael; McCann, Kathy; Dean, Sam; Bell, LisaConferenceONCOLOGY; CLINICAL TOOL2024 
Poster 1 - Inbal Ross.pdf.jpgPatient experience improvement project: Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Centre - chemotherapy day unit.Ross, InbalConferencePATIENT EXPERIENCES; ONCOLOGY SERVICES2024 
1215 Carmel O'Kane.pdf.jpgSharing the digital love in cancer supportive care.O'Kane, CarmelConferenceCANCER NURSING; SUPPORTIVE CARE2024 
Dementia Matters – a practical approach to assessment and care for people living with dementia in the community.Gibson, Caroline; Dimity, P.ConferenceDEMENTIA; NURSING ASSESSMENT2024 
Recognition of dying & end-of-life care.Bulten, JudeConferenceEND OF LIFE; AGED CARE2024 
Community-driven mental health programs and new models of care.Lacey, MarkConferenceMENTAL HEALTH; MODELS OF CARE2024 
Time to set a standard for the Standards HLA 2024.pdf.jpgTime to set a standard for the Standards.Siemensma, GemmaConferenceHEALTH LIBRARIES; MEDICAL COLLEGE ACCREDITATION2024 
Boosting engagement: Marketing strategies for health libraries.Siemensma, GemmaConferenceHEALTH LIBRARIES; MARKETING2024 
Critical-Conversations-Workshop-on-OA.pdf.jpgCritical conversations – workshop on OA.Siemensma, GemmaConferenceHEALTH LIBRARIES; OPEN ACCESS2024 
Unveiling the heart of lupus: A rare presentation of SLE as first episode myocarditis with catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome.Ganes, Anand; Sethwala, A.; Hengel, Chris; Yao, J.ConferenceCASE STUDY; CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE2024 
Darwin_Inequity abounds _An analysis of health library support for Australian medical training programs.pdf.jpgInequity abounds - An analysis of health library support for Australian medical training programs.Siemensma, GemmaConferenceHEALTH LIBRARIES; MEDICAL COLLEGE ACCREDITATION2024 
MM2024 Mardi Simmons RAAF clinic.pdf.jpgKeeping up the pace – Pharmacy technician successes in rapid access atrial fibrillation clinic management.Simmons, Mardi; Dimond, Renee; Livori, AdamConferenceCARDIOLOGY; PHARMACY2024 
LIVORI Rebecca 278 - Dialysis-Filtering Out the Pharmacist Role.pdf.jpgDialysis: Filtering out the pharmacist role.Livori, Rebecca; Livori, Adam; Higham, Leila; Sharma, Susheel; Dimond, ReneeConferenceDIALYSIS; PHARMACY2024 
WA - Paediatric Diabetes Consumer Survey.pdf.jpgPaediatric diabetes quality assurance project – Consumer/carer survey.Slater, Madeline; Odgers, Jade; Thurling, Emma; Sayner, Alesha; Demasson, KarinaConferencePAEDIATRICS; DIABETES2024 
Malakellis_Mary_Western_Alliance_121124.pdf.jpgAdopting a metropolitan case management model for implementation in a rural setting.Malakellis, Mary; Wong Shee, Anna; Alston, Laura; Odgers, Jade; Versace, Vincent; McNamara, Kevin; Griffith, P.ConferenceCASE MANAGEMENT; RURAL HEALTH; EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT2024 
WA - Jeevan.pdf.jpgMedication adherence amongst people with schizophrenia: A qualitative study of barriers in Ballarat, Australia.Bhusal, JeevanConferenceMENTAL HEALTH; MEDICATION ADHERANCE; BARRIERS; SCHIZOPHRENIA2024 
Culturally safe care pathways in ED_FINAL.pdf.jpgCreating culturally safe care pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a regional Emergency Department (ED).Payne, Jessica; Demasson, Karina; Wong Shee, Anna; Hartnell, Mark; Fitzpatrick, Denise; Clarke, Faye; Monk, Allison; Chapman, Anna; Solomon, Janelle; Martinez, LauraConferenceEMERGENCY DEPARTMENT; CULTURALLY SENTITIVE PRACTICE; INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS; ABORIGINAL HEALTH2024 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 1994