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Title: Auger injuries in the Wimmera region 1987-95.
Author: Read, Katrina
Campbell, Ian
Kitchen, Graham
Issue Date: 1996
Publication Title: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery
Volume: 66
Issue: 4
Start Page: 229
End Page: 230
Abstract: Background: Eighteen cases of auger injuries in the Wimmera region of Victoria were treated over 8 years. Methods: The records of auger related injuries presenting to Wimmera Base Hospital from March 1987 to March 1995 were reviewed. Results: Five of these were severe injuries. Sixteen were male farmers. Their fingers were most commonly injured by being caught in the auger flight. Conclusions: Augers have numerous mechanical features which make them one of the most potentially dangerous pieces of farm equipment. This, combined with human error and fatigue, results in significant but preventable morbidity in a hardworking population.
Description: Wimmera Base Hospital, Horsham, Victoria
Internal ID Number: 01830
Health Subject: AUGER
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Research Output

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