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Title: Enhancing pharmacist knowledge and confidence with intravenous fluids: intervention through education.
Author: Dimond, Renee
Lock, Belinda
Issue Date: 2019
Conference Name: The 45th SHPA National Conference: Making Waves Medicines Management 2019 (MM2019)
Conference Date: 14 - 16 November
Conference Place: Gold Coast, Australia
Abstract: Background: Intravenous fluid therapy (IVF) is commonly prescribed in hospitals. Problems arising from inappropriate 03 MM2019_BookOfAbstracts_8p.indd 124 31/10/19 10:50 am Medicines Management 2019, the 45th SHPA National Conference 125 Medication Safety IVF can increase morbidity and prolong hospital stays. Despite this, many clinical pharmacists lack confidence when reviewing and monitoring IVF and as a result, often overlook these orders when conducting a clinical review. Description: A comprehensive IVF learning program for pharmacists was developed using multimodal strategies including written course materials and face-to-face tutorials, led by senior pharmacists and multidisciplinary guest speakers. Action: Pharmacists were invited to participate in the program which ran throughout 2018. The learning program focused on seven elements of IVF including: • Principles of IVF prescribing • Assessment and monitoring • Maintenance hydration • Replacement of deficits • Fluid resuscitation • Intravenous access, administration and equipment • Paediatric principles. Evaluation: 18 of 28 staff pharmacists (64%) accessed at least one element of the program, including all early-career pharmacists (n=8). Seven pharmacists (six early-career), engaged with at least six learning elements and were invited to complete the post course evaluation. At commencement, 71% (n=5) reported they were ‘not at all confident’ clinically reviewing IVF. At program conclusion, 100% reported increased confidence with 71% (n=5) stating they were ‘very confident’ and 100% reporting positive practice change with respect to increased clinical review of IVF. All participants rated the multimodal methods for content delivery as ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’, with tutorials the preferred method. Overall the program was rated as highly relevant to practice (4.8/5). Accessing course content in absentia and inclusion of assessments for each learning element were suggested for improvement. Implications: In order to comprehensively review hospitalised patients, clinical pharmacists require the knowledge and skills to critically review all prescribed therapies. A learning program specifically focused on IVF for clinical pharmacists was successfully developed and delivered and should be considered for inclusion in undergraduate and early-career pharmacist education programs.
Internal ID Number: 01470
Health Subject: PHARMACIST
Type: Conference
Appears in Collections:Research Output

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